
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Make It Right The Series (Thai Drama) ~BL~

Genre: Friendship, Romance, School, Youth
Episodes: Season 1=> 12
                 Season 2=> 14

Main Cast:

Based on the popular BL novel "Make It Right", this drama follows the adventures and love lives of high school students. Fuse is a gentle and sensitive boy who is heartbroken because of his girlfriend who cheated on him, so he tries to get over her by getting drunk with his friends at a party. However, he meets his friend Tee there - and ends up sleeping with him that night. How is he going to cope with his new feelings for another boy and just how many boys who struggle with the same feelings are there at his school?        

My Thoughts (Review):

Another great series adapted from a book. I was looking for a drama to watch last year and came across the first episode of this series, and decided to give it a try. I was instantly roped in from that first episode and had been watching the story as it unfolds week by week because this story is just an awesome story as always. The actors are all pretty young, late teens to early twenties but they were super great in the portrayal of their characters. The interactions were cute and there were many funny moments and absurdly weird but humorous ones as well. The tone was lively and bright, truly embodying youth.

The chemistry between the couples are just to die for. I mean, they look so compatible with each other more than you can think of. They just seemed meant to be. Like OTP, OTP all the way!! Fuse and Tee was seriously a cute budding relationship that I just enjoy watching all through season 1 as they flirt with each other, fight and then cutely make up with each other. It was just so much fun watching them. Despite how many people were into the Frame x Book ship, I find myself just abandoning their ship. I just don't really like watching their scenes and I don't know why, just my preference I guess. I look forward more and more to TeeFuse's scenes, like I can't wait to see their adorable little love, the vague lines are all but words between them, I'm always "Get together already, OMG!" 

But, a few episodes towards the end, my attention got dragged to another emerging couple. As soon as the RodNine ship set sail, I was already dead. Like seriously, they were adorable to the next level. I can't help but cringe at how cute they are. Even more at how they really suit each other so much, like the budding relationship between them is just too much for my little heart to take.Their scenes were so little in the first season but they slay every single scene they come out in. Their scenes occurred during the episodes where Fuse was in a dilemma over his own feelings and things were not so good between him and Tee. So, RodNine was a much needed relief from that. I am telling you Nine was just too damn adorkable. I can't help smiling at his expressions when he was touched and affected by Rodtang's gestures. Like, this is it, down for the count! You are irrevocably in love with him. Seriously, the both of them are just a couple you have to look out for! 

The story was super well played in season 1 that when I saw that season 2 is out, I was super excited and immediately can't wait. But despite it being season 2, I rather not have truly watched it at all. I was deeply disappointed with how things turn out in season 2. It lost the expression of vibrant youth that season 1 had, it went on and on in a serious note. I did not truly enjoyed watching it. For two reasons. 

One, the chemistry was lost in the new season. I did not feel the passion in the relationship between Tee and Fuse like they did in the previous season. It's like a relationship gone sour and felt faked. Yes, I see them being lovey-dovey with each other, but the nagging feeling never left that the whole nature of their relationship was changed. And I kept hoping for the prospect of them being who they were before but it went down for the count. I find myself throughout the season yearning for them to return to how they used to be. I look at old episodes of them and felt sad at what they have became.

Two, the actor playing Nine changed because the original actor's schedules clashed with the shooting. I was surprised that Nine was changed. At first, I thought or held hope that this new actor should be able to portray the role of Nine as well as the original did since he kinda look the same as the original actor. But as I see him act and Nine's relationship with Rodtang, the whole ambiance of his character was lost forever. Everytime I see him, it's like I'm seeing a different person altogether. This not only affects Nine's character but the whole dynamic of the RodNine ship. Nine used to portray a pretty dominant role in the relationship, but then Rodtang began to play that role and I see Nine being demoted to a pretty submissive role which I hated a lot. And from there on, the RodNine ship sunk.

In season 2, it's like the scriptwriters rewrote the whole story, it could be the pressure of the first season being so big that they gotta do something to be on par with it, but well, they failed big time. This is the first time I actually commented negatively about a story and I usually refrained from doing so but this story had such great potential and could soar so high. The characters can be developed even more and refined even better. I really enjoyed watching the first season, I was over the moon as I watch it. I expected a lot from the second season, but I guess that expectation is what disappointed me. Season 2 will live in the shadow of the glory of Season 1 in my heart. That's my opinion.....

Nevertheless as to what happen in season 2, Season 1 is and I swear a really really great season to watch. It was one of the best dramas I ever watched, period. Do give it a try despite my words about season 2. But it just goes to show how great Season 1 was! There's always a possibility that you watch the drama with a different view than I do, like Season 2 was a pretty good season as well. But, that all depends on you to judge, I'm just here to give a review. And well damn that was a long review.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sotus The Series (Thai Drama) ~BL~

Genre: Comedy, Friendship, Romance, School, Youth, Boys Love
Episodes: Season 1 (15 episodes)
                 Season 2 (13 episodes)

Main Cast:


There's a university system called SOTUS (an acronym which stands for Seniority, Order, Tradition, Unity and Spirit - a tradition in which upper classmen sometimes exploit and even abuse freshmen and others seeking acceptance). Junior level students are required to mentor those freshmen and be respected in return. Enter a rather assertive and vocal freshy at the Engineering faculty named Kongpob who gets to be under the mentorship of Arthit, a strict Junior who happens to be the boss of his year.

(Review) My Thoughts:

My God, you won't imagine how much of a year I had when this series was released. Each coming episode, I was enormously entertained and undoubtedly hooked with this couple. I seriously can't wait for each single episode to come and got excited when the episode is released and subbed by my current favourite Thai BL subber of all time, Miss Delightful. This was the first piece I saw of her and surely not the last. She is always entertaining in her subs and explains some customs and terms very throughly. Also, you won't be able to describe the joy of reading her side comments on any particular scene. I had to actually pause a scene to make sure I clearly read her comments. It's like having another person watching the episode at the same time as you do. If you all decide to start watching this series, please watch those subbed by her because she is simply amazing. Well, done with complimenting the subber now on to the story but before that, Miss Delightful is really great at her job. Alright, done for now. You'll see me talking about her again soon!

Sotus is simply one of the best dramas I have ever watched, the talent in these actors is just too much to handle, not to mention the awesome chemistry between the couples. Everything started as a simple teasing game by Kongpob which ended into something much more as time goes by and Kongpob started falling for Arthit. The story is simply great and full of heart. It completely deviates from the normal path of other Thai dramas and became a unique existence of its own. No wonder it became a sensation. 

Kongpob and Arthit is just too much for my little heart to handle. The developing romance between these two is really not for the faint of heart. And I'm serious. There are times when I'm heavily strucked by Cupid's arrow of love. I had to pause the video at times and regain my composure and then continue and endure the blows. The story was just perfect, how it continues the interaction between the two from being senior and junior to a much more comfortable relationship and then to a higher level. How Kongpob chases after Arthit is just entertaining to watch and how he is touched by some gestures by Arthit is just cute to say the least. I would say the boy fell seriously hard for Arthit. What I admire the most in the story is how they portrayed LGBT acceptance. Arthit at first had some troubles accepting his feelings for Kongpob and then after talking with a friend and then a senior, he finally got rid of his inhibitions and the journey to there was just a spectacle. And what more the journey after that. But I will leave finding out about that to you yourself. How he fought with his conflicting feelings and then, their relationship became official.

And I have to say I was ultimately super duper surprised at some developments in their relationship. I honestly did not expect it to happen and then so smoothly. The story is just pure joy to watch. The thing I liked here is that there is no love triangle or whatever, it is just them there and the highest challenge in their relationship for this series was them accepting their feelings for each other. Seriously, you all, those who haven't watch it, if the genre does not bother you, by all means, do give this series, a try, I am certain that you would not be disappointed. FYI, the sequel is out now called SOTUS S THE SERIES, and I'm watching it with pure excitement because Arthit x Kongpob is one of the strongest OTP I have ever rooted for. Be sure not to miss this show!