
Sunday, October 8, 2017

It's Not Easy Being King (Chinese Drama)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Historical, Supernatural
Episodes: 20

Main Cast:
Zhang Yi Jie as Ji Man
Bai Lu as Da Xi
Zhao Yi Qin as Shao Yong


Da Xi, a girl who is very good at cooking has only one dream: find a peerless beauty husband. One day she met a Royal Guard, Shao Yong, and fell in love at first sight, so she decides to stay near him and the only way to do it is entering the palace. Da Xi became a maid, only to find themselves fooled, so she decided to escape palace, she ran overthe wall, but she met by chance the emperor Ji Man. The emperor thought that she was an assassin, so he tried to stop her escape but instead, an accident occurred: their souls were swapped, she became him, and he became her.

(Review) My Thoughts:

I first saw this drama because the photo looked interesting and the fact that it had the genre 'Supernatural' involved means that things could get out of hand and I loved it that way but the moment I saw that it had soul-switching involved, I almost passed it over because that plot is just too overused that the storyline is cliche. I thought I should find another one but I can't. I got so damn bored and then I thought why not give this one a try. One episode won't hurt.

But that one episode took me. The story is actually very comedic that I love it so much. They did a good take on an overused cliche. I was floored by their humor and antics. It was just so cringy and funny for my little heart to take. Knowing the gist of the story line makes it better for this drama for I am left wondering when exactly will they choose to let a specific plot twist happen? The transition between scenes for the most part was smooth and I can't help but say this story is so much comedy that that is where it slightly failed. 

They put so much effort on the comedic and humor that I find it hard to keep up when they went all serious. It's like two different extremes in there. I definitely enjoyed the casual way they bring along the plot but when it got too heavy all of a sudden, the story suddenly lost its charm as it focuses on the heavy matters and the lighter ones are hardly seen. Sometimes changes are too abrupt and makes no sense at times too. I find myself questioning how the characters can suddenly adopt a certain manner suddenly? And of course, I get confused by the advances a male soul in a female body can do. But well that's nothing much but still, I get confused.

Oh well, that's just the later parts of the series and what's for sure this series has a sequel and I'm wondering what kind of sequel it will be. I hope the ending skits are still being utilized. Did I mentioned they also involved future versions of the characters as a skit as the ending of each episode? Because they're so damn funny and perfectly executed. If you can't go for the drama at the later parts, go for the skits, they always deliver no matter what! Anyways, there's that. I hope to give this a try despite my bad comments about it, it's still a decent drama to watch to relieve some stress and fatigue. Have fun, drama-watching!

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