
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Koo Prab Chabab Hua Jai ~ The Love Rivalry (Thai Drama)

English Name: The Love Rivalry
Genre: Drama/Romance
Episodes: 14

Main Cast:
Thunwa Suriyajak as Marwin
Win Wathit as Inthon


My Thoughts:


I was bored and decided to look for Thai lakorns to watch and came across this. I shall say this was surprising a great one to watch. The cute scenes and interesting way of how things end up got me hooked the second I saw them. Yeah, it all started with hate but in the end, we all know it becomes love. But, this story surprises me with the layers of challenge the two main leads face. I know it is not easy to be in love when you're from two different classes but how the writers made that literal to another level is one of the main charms of this drama.

Now to the story, I find it slightly balanced in a good way. You get times when you feel like giving up on the story and times when you feel that all the watching was worth it. It is more to the latter in fact that I am grateful. I totally adore the characters. Some characters I may hate but the writers have their way at making me like the characters in the end. The good points of each characters are easily highlighted. With all the cliches in the world, you gotta know how to make your story click with the audience. And the writers wrote it well. I love the pairing of each character, how they complete each other and support each other and of course fall in love. The flow in which the characters fall in love was fluid and smooth. One thing I really like about the flow is that those moments where you think comments like 'He/She is totally in love with ....' are totally unexpected and cute.

The portrayal of the characters was amazing. During an episode, I actually cried when I got immersed in the emotional situation the character is relaying. I truly believed it was worth the watch and even more than that. I fought through a marathon of episodes, to glee in laughter, to fume in anger, to shed a tear, to see the end. I kept on hoping and hoping until the very end that the writer would wrap things up nicely and they did though not as long as I wanted but still great.

It was a great watch and I highly recommend it. I can tell you that the love rivalry in this story is truly one of its main emphasis but Thais have their way in teaching life values through their stories as I just realize now. Great watch.

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