
Monday, July 4, 2016

Sawan Saang ~ Heaven's Creation (Thai Drama)

English Name: Heaven's Creation
Genre: Drama/ Revenge/ Romance
Episodes: 12

Main Cast:
Gun-Jae-Sal as Dok Jun


The story centers around Nakrop Payakracha, a cruel man, a man who cares for no one but himself. Nakrop is a super genius who became president of a large company called “Tiger King” by the age of 25. He lacks a heart but does well in business.

Eau is a security guard who works at Tiger King. Eau is a good man, a good father, a good brother and son. He values his work and is devoted to Tiger King. Eau has a 10 year old son named Oh and his sister is Ounjai –a feisty young college student, who occasionally works as a hot dog girl at race tracks.

When Eau became partially disabled while rescuing people from a fire at Tiger King, Nakrop fires him because he has a dislike for weaklings. After losing his job, Eau became suicidal. He has a family to raise and his mother is ill (she is handicapped). Because of his leg and what Narop had said to him, he decides to commit suicide by standing in front of Nakrop’s car during a race. 

Before the suicide attempt, Eau made a video confession:”I just found this out, Khun Narop. We value people differently. I value the heart of the person. You value what you can get out of them for your success and objective. You don’t have a heart. Inside,, you only care for success. Before I saw you as a hero, you were my goal, that I strived towards. But now I give up. Your level is too high for me and there is no reward waiting there, except loneliness. You will win anyways because you think you will always win. But no one wins forever. Possibly you might lose to a pathetic man like me. Losing is a good thing, it teaches us.”

Nakrop unintentionally hit Eau on the race track and his car flipped over. Both Eau and Nakrop were badly injured and were rushed to the hospital. Eau passed away. Nakrop suffered a head injury and was in a coma for a while, but he survived. After his accident, Nakrop partially lost his memory and his personality completely changed too. He was no longer cruel, no longer greedy, no longer ambitions. He turned into a laid-back kinda guy, goodhearted, and considerate of others. Nothing like what he was before. He wanted to get to know his servants, he didn’t shout at other as much. He didn’t care for the company or remembered how to operate it. This terrified his mother Khun Ying Nayika, who raised him to fierce like a tiger.

After seeing her son interacting with the servants and wanting to get to know them, Khun Ying Nayika ordered Nakrop’s assistant Tong Tiew to change Narop to how he was before. She told Tong Tiew: “My child is tiger! Not a dog who will move aside to let anyone pass by.”

As Nakrop is going against his mother and evolving into a better person, Ounjai is coming after him to avenge her brother’s death. She is helped by the son of Tiger King’s rival company Phoenix. Things don’t go as plan because Nakrop is a different person now.

My Thoughts:

The plot captured me right from the start. I was intrigued to find out how the story proceeds and it went smoothly. It is a whole new world for me as it was quite centered on revenge and how that revenge becomes the point where the lovers came to be. It was interesting to see the story developing two different characters into a single body. How they use the good guy to comfort the victims and then the bad guy to hurt them even more. 

The story wraps up oh so nicely that I have nothing more to say but to watch this immediately. The ending was superbly splendid. The story gave a great emphasis on character building and took a different approach to "finding my soulmate". It was a fun ride full of genius and heartbreak. I didn't notice that this story was quite old as a matter of fact until I saw the gadgets they were using. Heck, a telecommunication company that just released a system that can track a phone by GPS. But, still nice. One thing that impressed me is how they smoothly inserted a different character into the lead guy when it is needed most and then return it back to the initial character. It was done splendidly that I just go woah and accepted the transition easily.

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