
Monday, November 5, 2018

My Dear Loser Series: Edge Of 17 (Thai Drama) ~BL~

Genre: Romance, School, Friendship, Youth, Comedy
Episodes: 9

Main Cast: 
Jane Ramida as Peach
Puimek Napasorn as Ainam


Oh is a nerd who is considered the school's biggest loser. He hates the school because he is often bullied and mocked by his peers who call him Mushroom. Oh is mainly bullied by Copper, In and their gang of bullies. However, even though he hates the school there is only one person who motivates him to come back every day and that is Peach, the school's prettiest and kindest girl. Sadly, Peach is dating Copper.
Sun is the new kid at school. Due to unlucky circumstances he becomes friends with Oh. With Sun being friends with the school's loser he is often picked on by Copper and In. But something about Sun makes In feel different.

Can the biggest school's nerd end up dating the popular girl? Can a bully fall for the new kid?

My Thoughts:

I kinda forgot why I started this drama but I am glad I started it. By the way, I place the BL tag just to be safe but this series does not focus on the BL couple. And so yeah....,  in case people get shocked when they decide to watch this series or something. But still, I really liked this drama's plot in a way because it is kinda attracting.

The characters are high school students so do expect to see some pretty cute innocent moments by them which I pretty love since it just throws me back to my high school days as well. The way the male lead fell for the female lead was one of those moments I would say. Another thing to note is that this drama likes the love triangle thing. It happened for both the main couple and the BL couple. In which I'm not sure I love or hate it because in the main, it made the male lead worked hard to gain the girl's attention because the other guy is not being that nice etc. But on the BL couple side, it made them feel heartbreak and confusion which I don't really like.

So about the love development of the two couples, Hmm..... On the main couple side, his crush for the girl made him determined to change himself to be strong and not always be bullied which I would say cliche and also, Go You! But, at very least, he is still the same him inside which is what the girl likes. I have nothing much to say about the main couple's development since it's predictable and saying more would just completely spoil everything. 

But, on the BL couple, now I'm talking. I focused more on this side towards the end as the development was cute. The bully and the bullied became friends somehow and ended up the bully likes a girl but that girl likes the bullied. As time goes on, this trio continued to get closer especially the two guys. But, A=Bullied, starts liking B=Bully, and B feels confused and caused A to get heartbroken. And then one character played the Cupid and I'm like, that person is so cool. And somehow, A and B reconciled through various circumstances.

I don't really know what to say but that this story was overall cute but unsatisfying. I wanted more of the BL couple because their story was vaguely ended. The main couple was innocently cute at the end and I'm fine with their progress hahaha... But one tip for those who watching and wanted more of them, they appeared as a guest role in a spin-off series, My Dear Loser: Happily Ever After and dear, I was happy to see them again hehehe.... And so, this series rocks at portraying the innocent teenagers at the edge of Seventeen, what they go through in this confusing times and finding themselves. Have a try at watching this! Other reviews also mention that this series is promisingly good!!

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