
Friday, November 18, 2016

May Who? (Thai Movie)

Other Names: May Nai Fai Fang Frer
Released Year and Length: 2015 (2 hours)

Main Cast:

Pong is a high school geek who belongs to a group of high school outcasts known as the ‘Invisibles’. He enjoys letting his imagination run wild, drawing cartoons of a girl he likes. He doesn’t have the guts to ask her out because she belongs to a more popular clique in school. Pong’s cartoon illustration is the reason he gets to know a schoolmate named May. A nickname, so common for Thai girls that whenever anyone talks about a girl named May, whoever is listening will ask, “May who?”

My Thoughts:

I decided to start with this movie because this was one of the best recent movie that I have watched, recent being last year because this year I have not watched many movies yet. I would say this was practically the funnest movie ever, I literally liked the attention to detail since this movie was taken from a comic so to see them putting comics scenes in respect to the original was amazing and enhance the viewing experience because it is not everyday you get to watch a movie and also a comic at the same time.

This movie was super electric, filled with excitement and action. I liked the way the movie flowed that the comedy of it was funny and the sentimental parts are sad. The story was amazingly executed where I did not get bored for even a single minute. Fantastic and a movie to watch for sure. Don't miss it.

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