
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ku Woon Lun Paen Ruk ~ The Fussy Couple's Deceiving Love Plan (Thai Drama)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Episodes: 14

Main Cast:
Win Tawin as Sila
Kwan Usamanee as Korjan
Bank Artit as Natee
Aun Chayapol as Tawanchai
Aoom Angkana as Deunwari

A romantic comedy. The story of a gardener's daughter Korjan who was once labeled as an ugly duckling by the brother of a cold businessman Sila. As they grew up, Sila continues to be the obedient, strategic, and mature son while Natee, Sila's brother is a womanizer, dating women until he becomes bored of them. Korjan, now called Angie, returns from studying in the States as a beautiful girl. Her goal is to charm Natee into loving her then dumping him as he did to her when they were younger. Unintentionally, Korjan is drawn to Natee after he helps her escape a fashion show. Natee also returns her feelings this time, however Sila has another plan of his own. Sila wanted Natee to marry a girl (Lena) that he has chosen for him. Lena's father is a well-off businessman who can help support Sila's company which is suffering financially. Sila tries to break the two apart without success, even locking her in his bathroom once. He eventually tries to make Korjan fall in love with him. Love begins to blossom as he gets closer to her. Therefore, the two must choose to continue following their plans or follow their hearts.

My Thoughts:

Yay.... finally finished a thai lakorn. And heck of an amazing one at that as I binge-watched several episodes immediately after finding out about this lakorn even though it's like 90 minutes long per episode but it did not matter. That's because of the comedy of this drama like it gets super funny at times that I get really excited watching it. I will sometimes have to pause it for awhile to let the comedic element register and laugh it out.

This story was something fresh and different for me in terms of the character setting and plot. Like an ugly duckling turned into a swan who decides to get her revenge on those who wronged her while she was an ugly duckling. The loveline was interesting as well as I had thought that the lwo leads do not match or fit each other on some levels but as I continue watching it, I find different sides of the leads that just proves to me that these two characters are meant to be for sure. The story develops their relationship to a point that I just know these things.

On to the somehow negative parts, well parts I wished were given more attention to in the drama, the OTHER love lines in my case. Like the younger couple or the brother's relationship, both were not given the attention they deserved because I was constantly hoping for more development for the two love lines. Like on the final episode, I had thought that as per the norm, I will get to see the other two love lines enjoy their happy ending already. I mean usually the other love lines are given their happy ending much earlier than the main couple so I was hoping to enjoy their sweet times but no... they were just given a simple ambiguous possibility. I would watch a whole other series just to see the love lines actually becomes concrete.

On to the main couple who I absolutely love due to the way the characters act with each other which is different than how they represent themselves in front of others because I get to see their vulnerable side and clingy side. How they care for each other despite all the drama and unwanted twists. I do have to mention that the dramatic stuffs that leads to the end is sometimes absurd and uncalled for because they never build it up to make it happen like that. Things like that are supposed to be made super obvious since the early beginning. But well, this story just pays attention to the main couple's development which I don't mind and the company which I mind a lot because there's like so many things about that company.

But they do know how to make things excited with a few twists and turns that is truly unexpected because they created hints of one thing but in the end, it was another hint that came out to reveal the truth. It got me so excited thinking of the mystery. This story is one lakorn you gotta watch because it is fun and enjoyable and they just really know their way through the game. Enjoy and have fun watching!

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