
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Just One Smile Is Very Alluring (Chinese Drama)

Other Names: A Smile Is Beautiful
Genre: Romance, Youth, Contemporary
Episodes: 30

Main Cast:
Yang Yang as Xiao Nai
Zheng Shuang as Bei Wei Wei


What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman at first sight? Appearance? Aura? Wealth? NO, when campus prince and gaming expert, student Xiao Nai first saw Bei Wei Wei, what made him fall in love was not her extraordinary beauty, but her slim and slender fingers that were flying across the keyboard and her calm and composed manner!!! 

Bei Weiwei is the school's beauty, who also excels in her studies. She aspires to be a game designer/engineer, and goes by the alias of Luwei Weiwei in the online role-playing game Dreaming of Jianghu. After she gets dumped by her online husband Zhenshui Wuxiang, she gets approached by the number one player Yixiao Naihe, who suggested that they enter into a marriage so they can both level up in game. The newly formed couple instantly hit it off, and undergoes many adventures together in game.

However, Weiwei never expected the identity of her gaming husband to be her college senior, Xiao Nai, who is described as the cream of the crop in both sports and academics. When Weiwei discovers his real identity, they have already fallen in love with each other

My Thoughts:

First things first, I have to say that this drama just went out last week and it's already released more than 10 episodes. 10++ pure awesome episodes. If you have been with me for a long time, then you would know fantasy and romance is my favourite thing ever and to have them blend so well in this, I am just beyond astonished.

Okay, calmed down a bit. No, I just can't. Argh!!! This drama came from a novel which I haven't read yet but am dying to read because I am so immersed in this drama right now. Urgh! If only I can read and understand Chinese, that novel will be on my computer now. Anyways, I totally admire the author for coming up with such a story. Maybe Chinese authors are amazing, urgh... my multilingual skills....

Back to the story, I have so much to say but then no right words to type. I was attracted first from a clip of the drama and it got me intrigued to find out more. And I was glad I did because the story was just given right to me for me to easily process. I fell in love from the first second. Maybe it was from the lack of expectation or the trial drama I was watching ended up kinda suck. But, easily 40 minutes went by just like that and I gotta say this, seriously 40 minutes. Everytime I'm like, "Oh.. Oh...Oh...It's coming.... Damnit!" Am I sadistic to say that this is torture yet satisfying. Short and compact but keep you wanting more and also most importantly, slow enough to not be too rushed. 

One thing that I actually admire about this drama and story is that the lead girl is actually very good in her studies and stuffs. I see trends like smart guy and not very smart girl and I don't really dislike as long as the story is good though I will vent out once in a while. This story depicted females as capable people and I like that about this drama. GO GENDER EQUALITY!!! The lead girl is like a role model and that's just perfect. I support this kind of character. Please don't criticize me for this.

Another thing is that I love love blossoming like that with just a little push, no need all that "Hate turns to care and then love" Just love, let all the troubles happen later. It's always I hate you, quarreling and then in the last 10 episodes could you see them actually being happy together. The couple here just hit it off right from the start. And in an interesting way as well. That leads me to my third love for this drama, which is that the author plans very well. I'm always surprised like "So all this was for that!" The author really knows what he's doing and knows his direction well and then the creativeness. Seriously, so damn well executed. Tai li hai(So great)! I like the way he moves his story and me with it.

I really don't want to reveal any spoilers this time because for those who wishes to see this drama, I wish for you to come and watch it with the least expectations I can manage to give you for you to enjoy it better.  What I can say though is that this drama has my approval as top ranker in my list of dramas to watch and then also to rewatch again. Like I said, 40 minutes pass by fast. I am like a child while watching this drama, everything I see just seems fun, exciting and interesting. Every new scenes and dialogue exchange is just mesmerizing. 

If you have came this far, I would like to say that you should head out and google search this drama already and start drama-watching. For a picky and analyzing person like me to watch this drama and say it is fun is like a film critique saying it's nice( a little narcissism wouldn't hurt) WARNING! Don't watch too fast, you're gonna suffer like me unless you are like me. Then, HAVE FUN!!!

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