
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Introverted Boss (Korean Drama)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Business
Episodes: 16

Main Cast:
Yeon Woo-Jin as Eun Hwan Ki
Park Hye-Soo as Chae Ro Woon
Yoon Park as Kang Woo Il
Kong Seung-Yeon as Eun Yi Soo


When a young, energetic employee joins a public relations firm with an introverted and severely misunderstood boss, she makes it her life’s mission to show the world who he really is.

Eun Hwan Ki is the boss at a PR company. he is really shy. So shy that even his employees don't know him that well. he prefers to hide in his office. everyone thinks he is a cold, prickly, arrogant grouch. They call him the "Silent Monster".

Chae Ro Woon is a recent hire at the same company. She is energetic, bubbly, loves to be the center of attention and always has something to say. the exact opposite of her boss, who she seems to have an old grudge against. her goal in life is: to expose the big boss man for who he really is and take her revenge.

The same company also employs Kang Woo Il, co-boss at the company. He, unlike his partner, is warm, sensitive and well-liked. Eun Yi Soo is a chaebol heiress who has been engaged for three long years. 

My Thoughts:

I seriously don't know what's with this drama, I don't know what specifically pulled me to continue watching this drama. There's just something that is so charming about this drama that makes me want more and more and watch more and more. Maybe it's the theme of the drama itself about an introvert boss who is just bad at speaking in front of people and takes what people says at face value in fear of burdening other people. He cares too much about people to the point he thinks he is being selfish for wanting to do some things.

Or maybe it's the humor of misunderstandings that this story gives that makes it that much more fun to see what kind of things these people can make up about Hwan Ki. Like looking into his eyes can kill a person or he carrying suitcases that can fit a person. That's not all, I tell you. There's many more. Besides how ridiculously funny those rumors were, the even funnier part was the truth behind those misunderstandings.

This show is just ridiculously funny. I guess that happened after the rewrite. Yes, this show had rewrite while still being released. The change is noticeable at that it was pretty heavy and dark at the beginning but after doing so, it became light and much simpler and less moody. But that "noticeable" was only after a few more episodes because I was not so seriously watching this drama. I just focused on watching it and less comprehension probably because I binge-watched it. Other viewers were able to notice the discomfort of the story and then the change in atmosphere immediately. I on the other hand, only "noticed" it after a while, when the story really piqued my interest, and I began comprehending the characters and the story.

About the characters, I realized that they are all onions. There are just so many layers to them, Layers I did not thought existed and seem imposed upon and unnatural at times. Layers that I did not thought they would possess. Layers that just makes me love them even more despite the tear-jerker. Layers that seem so sudden that I just take it in stride and accepted them and begin to love the story even more. Another thing that probably caught my interest was the portrayal of the introvert character is so relateable to me that I just love Hwan Ki even more because I understand him so much. I so much want to stay hidden in my hood away from prying eyes. Hwan Ki is pretty much, a wallflower, standing in the background watching people interact and seeing through people that way.

Anyways, this is a great drama to watch, filled with unexpected surprises and of course, a lead who takes charge of his own life and begin growing stronger to support himself. It is truly a pity that it got reduced to 16 episodes from the intended 20 episodes. FYI, I am a pretty good Yeon Woo Jin fan, and seeing him here is probably what piqued my small interest to check out this drama. And damn he's good at acting as always, his emotional expressions are just fantastic especially being an introvert. Like when he's blushing, oh so cute man! Want to experience them then go ahead and watch this drama!

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