
Sunday, December 3, 2017

I See You (Thai Drama)

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Supernatural 
Episodes:  12
Website To Watch: WatchAsian ~ I See You

Main Cast:

Pairin works as a nurse in the hospital and also has the ability to communicate with the dead. She strives to keep this a secret while doing her daily tasks so that she can pretend to be normal like everyone else. Dr. M is one of the acclaimed doctors of the hospital, being able to handle numerous cases. But his cold and sometimes arrogant personality puts him at odds with some of the patients and fellow colleagues. With ghosts such as the playful spirit, Chaba constantly pestering her, and Dr. M who seems to know of her secret, can she ever have a peaceful life?

My Thoughts (Review):

First things first, let me state something about myself. I am afraid of ghosts and the like, I never watch the acclaimed horror movies but for some reason, I was pulled into watching this series despite knowing it is related to ghosts and comes from Thailand who is pretty great at their horror presentations. Also, it might be obvious but I picture a drama to follow what its synopsis is saying but only one or two sentences were correct. Therefore, I tweaked the synopsis and added the necessary information.

So, not even halfway through the first episode, I was greeted with a supernatural event and damn I was spooked especially since I was viewing it alone in my room. I covered one of my eyes to see through the whole episode. But then, I was able to manage and found the series to be pretty intriguing and has similarities to one of the Western Ghost-related series that I have watched before in the female lead's role in the story. But, I found that the first episode was to ensure that the viewer had the capability to continue into the story by upping the horror element. Since after that, I can manage other ghost encounters in the story.

On the cast, I enjoyed watching the leads of the drama but well, what else can I do since they're pretty much the only ones who are in the hospital. Every time a case occurs, it is always the same doctors and nurses who handle them. Others who came are like cameos. You don't really notice them there as their presence was just that weak. Even still, I still enjoyed the acting performance given by the leads. 

By the way, there is a love triangle but it is not obvious enough to affect the story negatively in any way and I like it. My ship kept sailing all the way to the end and I love every moment of it. I am in love with the main leads. Their interactions were cute and casual and most importantly, pretty direct without even revealing their feelings. The male lead had a one-tracked mind and so did she, in the sense that they do not see others but the other. Their love story kept developing and never had a moment where it could have fallen. Their chemistry was just too good that I did not find any fault in their acting. I could rewind their scenes many times and never get bored. They are just fun to watch. 

One of the things I don't quite like is the abundant use of product placements throughout the whole series to the point where I go, "Oh, here we go again. Another PPL... Hmm..." You cannot go an episode without two to three PPL scenes. Another thing, I don't like about it is how effective it is since it made me crave for what they are having. Hehehe..... There are even some scenes where the PPL was not that smooth that it seems odd to be having it suddenly there in the scene. Putting PPL is one thing but to make it so obvious is another one thing. Everytime, the PPL scene occured, they would either blur the surroundings or zoom to the item. It is like ads all the time. I am okay with PPL where it is not that obvious that they are promoting it, being that for a drink, they have it or something. Or a scene which perfectly suitable for it occurs. But well.... ANYWAYS, I am probably exaggerating it a bit here but surely I can say, the PPL only disturbs a few minutes of your time watching the story.

In conclusion, go ahead and watch this drama. It is simple, cliche and all of the above but still overall a great drama to watch. I am definitely excited for another drama from Pae after watching this series seeing how good he was in his role and most definitely, I loved this drama despite the kinda rushed ending because they are pretty cheesy that it is enough to win my heart. Come on and Let's Drama-Watching!!! Hehehe....

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